General Surgery

General Surgery, one of the oldest branches of medicine, is the surgical treatment of conditions such as injuries, structural disorders in the body where medications or other treatment methods do not respond. Or it is a branch based on the principle of removing the diseased organ and transforming it into a natural and suitable form.

When listing general surgical procedures, from the upper part of the body: Goiter (thyroid diseases), esophagus, breast (especially breast pathologies), stomach, duodenum, small intestine (jejenum and ileum).), colon, rectum (last 15 cm of the colon), rectal area (hemorrhoids, fissures (cracks) and fistulas), liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, spleen, pancreas, umbilical and inguinal hernia and ingrown hair surgery. Likewise, endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeries are in the field of general surgery.

What is the field of general surgery? You can find detailed information in our video below:

Our surgeon in general surgery: Op. DR. Mustafa Korhan MERCAN

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