Internal diseases (internal medicine) is a medical unit that is the basis of all clinical units. It is a direct solution to all non-surgical health problems of the patient group over 14 years of age. It is important to evaluate the patient as a whole and perform the examinations in this integrity, diagnose and initiate treatment processes. Internal medicine, which is divided into many areas, refers the patient to other departments to solve all the health problems of the patient if necessary. These areas are gastroenterology, cardiology, nephrology, rheumatology, breast diseases, hematology, oncology, endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, geriatrics. In collaboration with these departments, it provides high quality and safe health services according to global standards, whose examination, treatment and follow-up are accepted by national and international societies. The first unit that patients visit for almost all health problems when surgical intervention is not determined is the Internal Medicine units. Preparing patients before surgery also helps resolve problems that may develop after surgery. In addition, preventive health services are provided.
Our general internal medicine services include outpatient examinations, inpatient treatments, preoperative examinations, emergency services and preventive examinations.
In our Internal Diseases (Internal Medicine) Department, we can diagnose and treat hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, kidney failure, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, small and large intestine, duodenal disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure and other pulmonary diseases. Laboratory tests, X-rays and ultrasounds necessary to diagnose all these diseases are performed around the clock.
Check Up programs are also applied in our Department of Internal Medicine. Check Up is a program that allows early diagnosis and treatment by identifying possible diseases and taking the necessary precautions. Check Up programs diagnose many serious diseases early and take action for future diseases with personalized programs. With Check Up, you can protect your health and take an important step to live your future safely by checking the most suitable Check Up packages here. Our internal medicine doctors: specialist DR. Osman BAYEZİT, specialist DR. Ercan KOMAR, specialist Dr. Sibel Güray Mungan, specialist Dr. Betül Bal