Physical therapy, a branch of medicine that deals with all disorders of the musculoskeletal system, aims to solve problems such as the loss of functions of body parts due to various diseases or injuries, or the threat to these functions.
Rehabilitation practices, which also cover a wide spectrum, carry out corrective, normalizing and facilitating programs in various fields such as neurological, orthopedic, urological, cardiac and so on. Pain and chronic pain are also problems that physiotherapy is strongly interested in and treats.
Rehabilitation is also the subject of physiotherapy after the treatment of fractures, dislocations and emergency trauma. Conservative treatment of rehabilitation of neurological problems that do not require surgery is the branch of medicine that physiotherapy also deals with.
Titles of services by fields of application
Neck pain: neck hernia, calcification, postural disorders, etc.
Lower back pain: lumbar hernia, slipping waist, arthritis, etc.
Shoulder pain: stiff shoulder, tendonitis, bursitis, etc.
Back pain: muscle pain, scoliosis, posture disorder, etc.
All kinds of joint pain, such as elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle.
Soft tissue disorders such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome.
We aim to improve the quality of life of our patients in the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of our hospital, Istanbul Hospital. We apply modern rehabilitation techniques to increase our patients’ mobility and relieve their pain. As a private hospital, we care about your health and take it as a principle to always be with you to improve your quality of life.
Our physiotherapy and rehabilitation physician: specialist Dr. Erdal ŞALİKOĞLU.